Title | Released | Genre | Platforms |
Sonic Jam
1997 | Platform |
Saturn |
NHL All Star Hockey 98
1997 | Sport: Ice Hockey |
Saturn |
Sky Target
1997 | Combat Game: Flying |
Saturn |
Sonic and Knuckles Collection
1997-2004 | Platform Compilation |
Tactics Formula
1997 | Racing Board Game |
Saturn |
Sega Worldwide Soccer '98
1997-1997 | Sport: Football - Soccer |
PC CD Saturn |
NBA Action
1996 | Sport: Basketball |
Saturn |
NiGHTS: Into Dreams...
1996-2012 | Adventure |
PS3 Download Xbox 360 Download PC Download Saturn |
Burning Rangers
1996 | Shoot 'Em Up |
Saturn |
Quackshot Starring: Donald Duck/Castle of Illusion Starring: Mickey Mouse
1996 | Platform |
Sega Megadrive |
Super Tempo
1996 | Saturn |
Virtua Fighter Animation
1996 | Beat 'Em Up |
Game Gear |
SEGA Ages Volume One: Afterburner II + Space harrier + Outrun
1996-2004 | Compilation |
PS2 DVD Saturn |
Sega Worldwide Soccer '97
1996 | Sport: Football - Soccer |
Saturn |
F-1 Challenge
1995 | Racing: Car |
Saturn |