To End All Wars - Xbox 360

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Also for: PS3
Viewed: 3D First-person, Gun game Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Ghostlight (GB)
Released: Unreleased - Incomplete (GB)


Set in the war-torn trenches of World War I Europe, To End All Wars will deliver unrivalled atmosphere and realism, bringing the mud strewn horror of this most desperate of conflicts to the PlayStation3 and Xbox 360 formats using Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 technology.

The authenticity of the conflict has been put at the heart of the project. Period locations will be recreated in lavish detail, only weaponry of the time will be available and character design will reflect the uniforms and style of the era. Crucially the experience of the gritty combat in the trenches, the fear of charging across no man’s land, deadly secret excursions to enemy outposts in the dead of night and the heart stopping terror of pounding artillery guns will be central to the gaming experience.