Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - PSP

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Viewed: 3D Third-person, floating camera Genre:
Media: Custom optical disc Arcade origin:No
Developer: Amaze Soft. Co.: Buena Vista
Publishers: Disney Interactive (GB)
Buena Vista (GB)
Released: 8 Oct 2010 (GB)
7 Jul 2006 (GB)
Ratings: PEGI 12+
Accessories: Memory Duo Stick, Wireless Compatible
Connectivity: Game Sharing


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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest invites the player to explore, brawl and conquer his/her way across land and sea on a fantastic quest in search of the legendary Dead Man's Chest. In-game scenes not only feature thrill-packed moments from the film, but also build on the fantasy by offering exciting new adventures and locations inspired by the deep, rich possibilities of the Pirates of the Caribbean universe.

The PSP version offers gamers the opportunity to assume the role of the inimitable Captain Jack Sparrow. Cap'n Jack can use speed and strength attacks to take out enemies, as well as what are known in this game as 'dirty moves', a pirate fighting staple, of course. The PSP version also features multiplayer ship battles for up to four players. Ship battle gameplay comprises 10 maps and offers GameShare mode, with just one game disc needed to play on multiple PSP systems, so friends don't need to go plundering and looting for real in order to play along.