Primal Image - PS2

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Viewed: Not known Genre:
Media: DVD Arcade origin:No
Developer: Atlus Soft. Co.: Atlus
Released: Unknown (GB)


Primal Image is one of those peculiarly Japanese games that we'll probably never see released in Europe. The game's open sexual theme flies in the face of the Political Correctness that plagues the west, and our own hypocrisy on sexual matters.

In the game, the player takes ont he role of a fashion photographer. As such your aim is to take sexy snaps of beautiful young (virtual) people. You select from one of four models, and then thell them how to behave in your photoshoot. Then you hit to action button (usually 'X' in Europe, but typically 'O' in Japan) as the camera swirls around the posturing model, seemingly beyond your control. The shoulder buttons move your oint of fview to a different, but equally random camera angle. ust tens econds later, and the photosessions over, but then, at £2,500 an hour, you'd want to move things along.

Then the game shows you thumbnails of your shots, and marks you for the sexiness of them. You don;t get to see the images large, and you don't get to save them to your memory card for later 'viewing'.

The only other distraction offered by this game is producer mode, which enables you to 'manually' position the models for a shot. But again, you cannot save the shot, only the scene as a whole.

Al in all, Primal Image is an overblows tech demo, ashowing what the PS2 is capable graphicaly, but having virtually nothing in the way of Gameplay. It fits well with the Japanese cultural phenomenon of 'body Idols', but would seem strangely culturally incongruous in the west.