Alien Resurrection - PlayStation

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Also for: PC, Dreamcast
Viewed: 3D First-person Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Developer: Argonaut Soft. Co.: Argonaut
Publishers: Fox Interactive (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1 Dec 2000 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)
Ratings: 15+
Accessories: Analogue JoyPad, Memory Card, Mouse
Features: Vibration Compatible


As one of the longest running cinema franchises in history, the Alien phenomenon has also made its way into the world of interactive entertainment. With the release of Alien Trilogy on PlayStation in 1996, gamers not already familiar with the Xenomorph population soon became terrified to their very souls. With the release of the movie tie-in, Alien Resurrection, players can once more experience the horror on board the Auriga vessel; a craft infested with Aliens.

Set 200 years later, Ripley wakes only to discover she has been cloned for the benefit of the military. It only took time before a problem arose and there were Aliens roaming the decks of the vessel. As an unarmed prisoner you must first escape your cell, as well as avoid the onslaught of heavily armed soldiers. Once armed, you have little time before the Alien species makes an appearance with some astounding AI. As you progress through this dark, steel contraption, you will come across further aids, such as medi-packs, grenade launchers and rocker launchers. Alien Resurrection’s atmosphere plays a significant part in gameplay, and the use of a dual shock pad allows players to feel the onscreen heart beat. Players are highly likely to get a few frights along the way. You have been warned.

As a great atmospheric game with superb sound effects and some fantastic gameplay, Alien Resurrection gives the players a chance to participate in their very own nightmare.

News & Editorial

Date Confirmed For Alien Release Press Release

13 Sep 2000