I must be an anomaly. I haven't played the game in two months, closing in on three now.. I have the Second Assault DLC & have never even played a round on the maps. The game is awful online & I have learned my lesson and wont be buying another Battlefield title.
I can't say I've been a die hard BF fan, I joined in BF:BC2 and racked up over 600 hours on BF3 and am 200+ hours into BF4 but I have to say it's lost it's shine, I made the mistake of buying premium early so am making sure I get my monies worth. After all this I won't be pre-ordering BF5, instead I'll be waiting and monitoring the forums to decide if I'll go back or not.
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I haven't played the game in two months, closing in on three now..
I have the Second Assault DLC & have never even played a round on the maps. The game is awful online & I have learned my lesson and wont be buying another Battlefield title.