Sony to slash 10,000 jobs, close 11 manufacturing plants

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Topic started: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 11:41
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Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:13
LUPOS wrote:
it would be capabale of playing regular dvd's (let alone hd-dvds),

Well this page on the official Blu-Ray Disc website says.

Blu-ray Disc has the same physical characteristics as DVD and CD, and like its predecessors it also does not require a cartridge. This makes it possible to create Blu-ray Disc products that are backwards compatible with CD and DVD, allowing for a seamless transition to the new technology.

And this FAQ on a Blu-Ray info website says

...several leading consumer electronics companies (including Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sharp, Sony and LG) have already demonstrated products that can read/write CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs using a BD/DVD/CD compatible optical head, so you don't have to worry about your existing DVD collection becoming obsolete.

So it's possible, and has been demonstrated as such. It's true that the DVD compatibility is not a requirement of a Blu-Ray player according to the spec, but then neither was CD-ROM compatibility for DVD players.

LUPOS wrote:
and the fact that the final hd-dvd spec actually claims a max capacity of 30gigs, which out does blu-rays current theoretical limit of 25.

And as you can see from this page on the Blu-Ray site, Blu-Ray has a 25 GB limit for single layer discs and 50 GB limit for dual layer compared to HD-DVD's 15 and 30 GB limits.

So either Microsoft and Intel were talking out of their arses, or they were mis-quoted in the coverage you saw.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 12:42
i believe i saw it on ign ans somethign on slashdot, which of course links to somethign else... ign being the pinbacle of quality journalism it must have been that intell where talking out of there back sides.
either way i didnt say i believed it... just felt it shoudl be mentioned.
Joined 20 May 2004
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 17:11
LUPOS hit it; the backwards compatability with DVD will keep it alive, but if Blu Ray fails overall and HD-DVD takes over from DVD as the media everyone uses, without HD-DVD compatability Blu Ray would have been screwed.

But Blu-Ray may be HD-DVD compliant? Wow, they're really taking no chances now... you learn something new every day, they say.
Joined 4 Aug 2004
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:39

defend sony?! HA
i think its amusing that the ever cocky current market leader (by a mile and a half) is currentley flounderign finacially. i dont wish ill to sony... i just wish eveness between them and MS so we get consistent quality and inovation for the forseable future...
check the avatar amigo... i dont do alot of sony deffending... i hope these drastics cuts serve as a wake up call...

____[/quote wrote:

Sorry mate - I owe you an apology - it seems I jumped in before digesting what you said!!

And I agree with you.

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