PS3 Skyrim DLC Watch: Bethesda Still Working on Them

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Topic started: Fri, 11 Jan 2013 18:31
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Sat, 12 Jan 2013 16:33
If another dlc comes out for xbox before ps3 gets the dlcs that are already out, that you be the final straw for me. I'm already feeling offended but than I would feel to offended that I won't touch another bethesda game.
Joined 11 Jan 2013
Sat, 12 Jan 2013 17:46
lately i've moved on to other games, black ops 2, waiting on gta v, etc...i feel my money is better spent that way. dunno if i'll even come back to skyrim anymore. and why should i? this is how they treat ps3 owners..too bad, it was a pretty cool game, ruined by s**tty onesided support from microsoft dickriders
c'mon man
Sun, 13 Jan 2013 16:37
every comment box on every site looks the same to be frank. we know this. people have the right to be pissed and drop f-bombs left and right. what grinds my gears is when people that the gam is still awesome without the dlc. that much is true if you havent completed every mission to the point that all thats left are dark brotherood missions. with that said, stfu and speak for yourself. the wait for dlc is utterly absurd and i promise you this will effect the company. we pay 64 bucks for bs excuses and to be a victim of exclusivity rights. gtfoh
Tue, 15 Jan 2013 03:46
For heaven sake people. I'd like to play the DLC on PS3 but asking for your money back? Really? You paid for a game when you bought the game, not the DLC. Honestly Skyrim packs alot more value than most games without the DLC in terms of playable hours. You got what you paid for when you bought the game. You did not get ripped off.
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