PlayStation Network Outage: 'Fiasco' Could Halt Hirai's Rise

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Topic started: Tue, 3 May 2011 16:53
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Tue, 3 May 2011 17:56
@pornhub Shut the f**k up u havn't got a clue
Tue, 3 May 2011 17:56
Seriously it's rediculous. The network goes down for security issues and all people can do is bitch and complain because it's not back up fast enough. Trust me, the alternative is much worse. If they didn't make sure adequete security systems were up then the second the network WAS back up, it would instantly be hacked and this time, the security protocols on your bank cards could be hacked and a lot of money stolen. I, for one, hope sony take all the time they need to ensure the network is secure before bringing it back online.

Also, any of you who are threatening to go with xbox, go ahead. The playstation network could do without you scum ruining the PS image. Right now when I think PS3, I think whiney cry babies who got all stroppy when the network went down to try and protect their identities and details. So please, do swap over to xbox. You can join the other whiney 13 year olds who constantly insist xbox is better than PS3.
Tue, 3 May 2011 17:59
@Microkidd you r right i mean come on its only bean a couple of weeks and we get a sorry gift from sony(30 day sub to play station plus + loads of free stuff and i managed by playing on games such killzone 3 just cause2 and red dead redemption if any thing we should all go hunting for the hacker and brutaly murder them
Tue, 3 May 2011 18:02
What a shambles, 2weeks still no psn online, wow ur giving us 30days free for ps plus? wtf is that? id want the lastest maps free to plus other stuff, im so pissed off about this, ok its free to pay online..but cmon...a big company like sony getting hacked? monkeys cud run sony better
Tue, 3 May 2011 18:07
Go f**k ur mother Kenzieee and what sort of a name is that we could do without your infirior kind which taints the pure blood of true playstationers your just a mongrel a retard and probably has a brain deficientsy
Eyes Wide Open
Tue, 3 May 2011 18:23
In order to receive your free 30 days you will no doubt be required to re-enter all of your personal information and credit/debit card details, therefore entrusting Sony again and clicking on their newly reformed T&C's. So basically cover yourselves
Tue, 3 May 2011 19:55
@stuart_jones whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! stop crying u probs only have a ps1 anyway u fag enjoy ur gaybox :0)
Tue, 3 May 2011 19:59
@VladimrePutin If you're going to bitch at people learn to spell before YOU call someone else a Retard look in the mirror you dumb ass t**t
Tue, 3 May 2011 20:09
Cookiethewookie is a gay name i only believe in pure playstationers so shut the f**k up you t**t headed s**t you will never be more than a little s**t nothing more and probably less no im sorry that was order .................. that was too good for you u little f**ktard u slug
Wed, 4 May 2011 15:39
well said! @Rich
Wed, 4 May 2011 17:20
@Microkidd I have had a 360 since the day it was launched. They have Never had a 2 week outage. Most I can ever remember at a time is 1 day. This is when they update the service to make it even better. So you have been mis informed. The real point here is that Sony and Microsoft both operate live services. They both have a free and a paid service. They should both do their upmost to ensure the safety of their customers data. One has been very lax in this area. Would you have chosen PSN if you knew your data was being treated so poorly?. To me, its like Anti-virus software. You know you should have it but some people take the chance that it will not happen to them. Only difference here is that Microsoft and Sony have a duty to do all in their power to keep your data safe. Would you still have used PSN if you knew your data was at risk ?
Thu, 5 May 2011 15:38
@VladimrePutin enjoy ur little rant did u fuk face ur probably about 10 and still getting bitty from ur gran u fukin inbred cock ..........oh wait almost forgot stop fukkin ur sister :)
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