PlayStation Network Outage Prompts 'Hacking' Conspiracy

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Topic started: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 11:56
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shit holes
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:37
i wanna play cod :'(
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:47
u no what we should do To fight back.
Joined 22 Apr 2011
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:50
@haritori one person from anonymous did but it isn't an actual group as there is no management of it. in other words you could hack anything you want and say you did it on behalf of anonymous and no one would get pissed off and say ''oh your not in anonymous''. and also i take it the rest of anonymous disagreed and still wanted to hack the PSN
ps3 user
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:50
my ps3 locked up totally ive had 2 format.losing all game save's and items ive een collecting over months. i used my ps3 as a backup 4 my pic's now ive lost eveerything.ide like to see the p@%ks puttting an complaint 2 sony requesting them to take action against these freaks in my name.
call of duty
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:53
look hackers u proved ur point but you miss the big picture you did hurt sony u hurt many of kids and loyal fans that love to play online. In the end you will win the battle but lose the war! Meaning that sony win rebound and sue your ass! lol
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 01:57
SONY wont meet them demands if that youtuve video is real.... If they do then it will no longer be a decent playable CONSOLE, it will be full of hacks people will ruin the Gaming culture of the PS3.. they will lose money from it also, so i hope they find Anonymous and put a stop to this bullshit, George Hotz brought this on himself when he decided to hack the PsN and give him Illigal access rights that were out of his control.
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 02:00
I am certainly no techno geek. I like to play the games and I really don't care what process allows me to play it. I know very smart people live in this world and some of those people just can't help themselfs. But if this is a hack please stop it. All you are doing is causing average people trouble. I spend most of my days with my family at the park or doing other outside activities but my nights I spend on playstation. So please stop trying to show how smart you are. So you can hack a network? Whats that really prove? You don't hurt sony because they already got their money. Your hurting gamers and thats just the facts.
King with a brain
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:32
your a f**king goose ninja pants sony makes billions of dollars of us...fine im pissed off cause all i want to do is have a couple games online...but in the end f**k sony...this will be costing them millions if they have been hacked and the fact is how can you blame the hackers....we pay 100s for games worth 5 dollars to make...then we buy add ons to games and play online giving sony more money...then they treat us like s**t...has anyone here ever gotten something free from sony? like extra maps just for the sake of sony saying...'hey guys thanks for being with us heres a present'...GA HOME SONY! i hope anonymous f**ks sony up just for the fact that sonys a muli billion organisation that doesnt give a s**t about anything but money! @Ninja-_-Pants
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:34

Haha reactions like yours are the reason they do stuff like this. They love seeing geeks like you over react over a f**king computer game.
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:54
U sound stupid.. Of course they charge 60 for a 5 game... Do u know how many people they employee?? How u think they pay em... Besides thats how every industry works u dumb ass.... And I'm actually happy PSN is down, it gives us a reason to get outside@King_with_a_brain
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:57
lets kick there ass for this
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 03:57
Go ahead call me a geek, but at the end of the day im right, i guarentee 50% of the people that post on this topic want them changes to happen, whilst the other 50% want the network as it is.. i like how the network is at the moment and i dont want people having a higher degree on using hacks in games or using Copied games that arn't structured for that game console. i hope these c**ts get what they deserve and i hope Hotz has a great life being in debt with SONY..... Congrats sony, keep pulling through and you'll beat the hackers. I'm a proud gamer and i want the PSN back to how it origionally was, i dont want those that can't game themselves to be hackers and be higher than me in leaderboards as they had to cheat to get there, thats not what gaming is about. And it isn't SONY that deal with the Add-ons or map packs that is dealt by the game developers such as Treyarch and Infinity ward And Dice...
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 04:15
all people complaining about anonymous throwing a blow towards sony for suing said person for modifying his legally owned hardware. if you really believe that sony is not corrupt. then wait for sony to fix everyones accounts. But, if Sony is as bad as anonymous proclaims. Then you wont have all you psn gmaes back. ever. "sry its anonymous's fault and we wont honer you."@call_of_duty
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 04:24
you have ever right to put your toaster under your chair if its missing a leg. why not. its your toaster. its your chair. anyone who own anything can legaly do with it what ever they want. It not legal to sell someone something that now belongs to them then sueing them if they want to put it on a boat and set it on fire or whatever its theirs. ours rights our in danger and your crying because you save your live on a server owned by sony and now its gone. @Ninja-_-Pants
Fri, 22 Apr 2011 04:26
PS FUK U hungry hippo. I used marbles when i lost the balls to your game. See you in court if you aint no pussy. then anonymous will hack your ass too. :)

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