Xbox 360 in "actually not small" shocker

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Topic started: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 10:52
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king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 10:52
Yeah I wasn't martial artist inhaling before the strike, its a fat kid sucking it in to try and look skinny.

Its a cleaver design with the curves going in, makes your mind think its smaller and skinnier than it actually is.

Does that brick come on a long leash so its easy to hide? And whats your overall impression of the system and any games you have? You got PDZ?? PGR3?? You gonna be doing any reviews?
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 11:57
king skins wrote:
Yeah I wasn't martial artist inhaling before the strike, its a fat kid sucking it in to try and look skinny.

Its a cleaver design with the curves going in, makes your mind think its smaller and skinnier than it actually is.

Does that brick come on a long leash so its easy to hide? And whats your overall impression of the system and any games you have? You got PDZ?? PGR3?? You gonna be doing any reviews?

We're still awaiting decent review code. Keep an eye out though. Probably won't bother with the big first-party stuff as it's been covered to death - Will be looking at the more interesting things though.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:35
TigerUppercut wrote:
Probably won't bother with the big first-party stuff as it's been covered to death

Yes, we will. We might even review Half-Life 2 when it comes out - right Tiger?

Will be looking at the more interesting things though.

Read: Stuff that Tiger and fifty other people around the world think is "more interesting".

SPOnG will be checking out the big stuff AND the less mainstream.

Joined 20 May 2004
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 12:41
Please review Condemned. Nobody else is...

It is huge, isn't it? Couldn't believe it when I saw it in the demo pods. Wow. Makes you wonder how big the PS3 is, eh?
Joined 10 May 2003
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 13:39
fluffstardx wrote:
Please review Condemned. Nobody else is...

I think EDGE gave it a 6.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 13:44
king skins wrote:
Does that brick come on a long leash so its easy to hide?

Yeah, 1.5m from back of Xbox to far side of brick. Then you have to use the bundled kettle lead - because it's notched - which is about 1.8m long.

The kettle lead is really nice, rubbery and soft, and velvety feeling.

And whats your overall impression of the system and any games you have?

Games on their way. Reviews to follow.
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 13:57
Edge gave it a 6 and said very nice graphics, quite good gameplay but the story was s**t and the detective aspects where not very well implemented (it tells you what devices you need to use and where to use them). Also its quite short at around 7hours
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 14:02
DoctorDee wrote:
The kettle lead is really nice, rubbery and soft, and velvety feeling.

ummm... ok... :/

DoctorDee wrote:
And whats your overall impression of the system and any games you have?

Games on their way. Reviews to follow.

Couldn't we get a small first impressions?? :)
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 14:11
king skins wrote:
Couldn't we get a small first impressions?? :)

I told you what I thought of the cable, and you :/'d me. What's that if not a small first impression ;-)

Until we get software, we're a bit burgered. The unit itself is nice (but big) the power brick is not nice (and big) now we're in the frustrating position of awaiting software.

I think software arrives tomorrow.

Oh, here's a first impresssion. The much vaunteed HD-readiness comes in the form of component connectors. No DVI, no HDMI. So no use to most people.
Joined 5 Mar 2004
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 14:34

"Oh, here's a first impresssion. The much vaunteed HD-readiness comes in the form of component connectors. No DVI, no HDMI. So no use to most people."

Huh? If there's one set of sockets that most HDTV's have, it's component. Most people who bought HDTV up to about 6 months ago will be without HDMI. So I don't really understand your claim that "The much vaunteed HD-readiness ... is no use to most people"
Care to explain?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Thu, 24 Nov 2005 14:51
Andrew wrote:
Care to explain?

Sure. DVI is a standard. Most every HD Plasma TV here:

has a DVI input.

But while they almost all have Component, some are RCA (which the Xbox has) and some are BNC (which it doesn't) a DVI lead would have provided greater compatibility.

We have several DVI capable LCDs in the office, only one component capable one.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 05:39
DoctorDee wrote:
Sure. DVI is a standard. Most every HD Plasma TV here:

has a DVI input.

But while they almost all have Component, some are RCA (which the Xbox has) and some are BNC (which it doesn't) a DVI lead would have provided greater compatibility.

We have several DVI capable LCDs in the office, only one component capable one.

(*ahem) To elaborate more and bring more to the table...

First, the facts:

Composite, S-Video, Component, VGA - Analog connections

DVI, HDMI - Digital connections

Analog - has a RANGE of quality and it fluxuates. Will one notice, probably not too much, but noticable none the less.

Digital - either on or off, working or not, looks really good or it doesn't look like anything.

Not going to give any theories on why they didn't include DVI or HDMI, seeing as how they can implement copy protection IN THE F**KING CABLES, (HDCP anyone?), other than development costs and timelines to follow. That's fine if they were under the gun, but if your gonna tout the HD ERA this and our machine does 720p so Kasumi's tits will look crisp that, put HDMI AND/OR DVI on the damn back of the machine. I suppose they put ALOT of effort into the design of the system and a good marketing plan for Japan. (Okay so maybe those are a few theories)

I work at Circuit City, been to Best Buy, PC Richards,, manufacturer's website, etc.; (ah the beloved and underused semicolon) I can tell you from ACTUALLY SEEING the cable inputs on the back of our 2005 tvs and MOST 2004 tvs, that HDMI is on over 90% of all of those tvs. And if it's not HDMI, it's DVI. like Doctor Dee aforementioned.

So here my thing is that Microsoft has to stop cramming this s**t machine down our throats and stop throwing the NEXT GEN RESOLUTION sphiel at us. 720p and 1080i have been out forever now. (hell X-Box one had games running in it!) Just because they force developers to use only 720p and 1080i doesn't make the machine NEXT GEN!

For Microsoft to have done it right and be forward thinkers, this is what they should of done:

1) Included the inputs for Component AND either DVI or HDMI.

Not going to give any theories on why they didn't include DVI or HDMI, seeing as how they can implement copy protection IN THE F**KING CABLES, (HDCP anyone?), other than development costs and timelines to follow. That's fine if they were under the gun, but if your gonna tout the HD ERA this and our machine does 720p so Kasumi's tits will look crisp that, put HDMI AND/OR DVI on the damn back of the machine. I suppose they put ALOT of effort into the design of the system and a good marketing plan for Japan. (Okay so maybe those are a few theories)

I work at Circuit City, been to Best Buy, PC Richards,, manufacturer's website, etc.; (ah the beloved and underused semicolon) I can tell you from ACTUALLY SEEING the cable inputs on the back of our 2005 tvs and MOST 2004 tvs, that HDMI is on over 90% of all of those tvs. And if it's not HDMI, it's DVI. like Doctor Dee aforementioned.

So here my thing is that Microsoft has to stop cramming this s**t machine down our throats and stop throwing the NEXT GEN RESOLUTION sphiel at us. 720p and 1080i have been out forever now. (hell X-Box one had games running in it!) Just because they force developers to use only 720p and 1080i doesn't make the machine NEXT GEN!

For Microsoft to have done it right and be forward thinkers, this is what they should of done:

1) Included the inputs for Component AND either DVI or HDMI.

2) Included resolutions for 1080p.


4) Then start the massive HD ERA campaign.

Ya know what I hate too? Enhanced definition and high definition! It makes people look dumb and allows companies to brand things HD without the end user knowing if it's 720p, 1080i, or 1080p(?). IT'S PROGRESSIVE SCAN/INTERLACED SCAN PEOPLE! Tell them it's 720 Progressive, 480 Interlaced, etc. not HD and ED. X-Box gamers are not stupid. Well the jocks are but hey we all can't be winners.

Rant over. Neither cohesive or easily read...
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:49
You started repeating yourself there ;) you drunk?

Doesn't the component cable have optical out?? On the bit that plugs into the actual console I'm sure there is an optical out.

And Cardiff finally has some Xbox 360 demo pods!! aren't we posh :) so I had a quick go on Kameo and COD2. Though Kameo looked pretty good and COD2 played really but just looked like a really good hi end PC game.
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 11:06
DoctorDee wrote:
king skins wrote:
Couldn't we get a small first impressions?? :)

I told you what I thought of the cable, and you :/'d me. What's that if not a small first impression ;-)

I was just a little worried about your fascination with the velvety power cable ;)

DoctorDee wrote:
Until we get software, we're a bit burgered. The unit itself is nice (but big) the power brick is not nice (and big) now we're in the frustrating position of awaiting software.

I think software arrives tomorrow.

I'll be expecing an update then :p

DoctorDee wrote:
Oh, here's a first impresssion. The much vaunteed HD-readiness comes in the form of component connectors. No DVI, no HDMI. So no use to most people.

That is a bit annoying, but my TV has all three :) Component, DVI, HDMI and VGA

Also s-video, 3 scarts and composit. You can never have anough conections
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 25 Nov 2005 11:10
king skins wrote:
Though Kameo looked pretty good and COD2 played really but just looked like a really good hi end PC game.

This is the impression we're getting. In fact that has been the comment made most often in the office in the last few hours.

But in fairness, it is really just a PC in a (quite) nice box. To be honest, it looks a lot like one of our Dell GX280s - but in white(ish).
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