Mario Revolution to Emerge on December 2?

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Topic started: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:27
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majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:27
hmmmmmmmm. will be interesting to see how the company that r&d'd the revo controller will actually utilize it.
Joined 17 May 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:32
Nintendo had better show something soon if the rumors about a spring/early summer release of the Rev is true.

What thunder Nintendo may have gained from (finally) showing its controller is fading fast, if it isn't gone already. We need graphics, some general specifics, and pricing info. Until then, people won't be comparing systems and deciding which one(s) they will buy.

I realize that Nintendo isn't trying to play the comparison game, but people will regardless. Sending out info along the lines of "April 13th, 200 bucks! use your (American) tax refund dollars on a Revolution" would be a good idea, because it could delay people buying a 360 until they issue a price cut, and get early adopters to their platform at the same time (That's my plan, at least. 400 is too much for a system that has very few interesting games. Next year, perhaps...)
Joined 17 May 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 13:39
I truly hope they show something other than a "...Party" or "...Smash Brothers."

While they have their places, neither is a system mover. Hopefully the Mario Revolution will not only be televised, but playable, if you will.

Hey, that's a good marketing slogan, if Ninty will keep the Revo name (doubtful, I guess) "The revolution will be digitized / playable /ect."

In sum, a Mario Revolution would be a good move. A new title from either a new IP or a classic, unused IP (Kid Icarus, for example) would be fantastic. But it should be a "whole game" not a collection of mini-games.
Joined 14 Jul 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 15:12
I couldn't agree with you more TwoADay.

I'm always the first to say Nintendo is the only profitable gamesystem maker out there, their financials speak volumes over any popularity Sony & MS may have in this industry.

BUT, I'm getting a bit annoyed with their laidback approach to mass market appeal. Oh yes, the Revolution is perfect to reach the mass market and that is their intention, but right now they have shown us nothing. If I'm going to be saving up for a Revolution with a bunch of first & third party titles, show me exactly why I shouldn't pickup an Xbox360 in a few weeks from now.
Joined 26 Jan 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 15:47
Yeah, as much as i am excited by the prospects of the new controlling mechanics I am also a little concerned as to the games.
I want a full game from Mario, I want an adventure with a story that has a beginning a middle and an end. I do not want a Mario themed game that just concentrates on the controller.
This is my fear.
Joined 6 Apr 2004
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 17:57
but right now they have shown us nothing.

Maybe they dont want to show you bloat ware, and just tell you meaningless specs? Maybe (unlike the other 2) they actually want to show people GAMES RUNNING on the hardware when they show it properly - to show things off properly?

Got to be better than a load of pre-rendered fps footage or some ducks surely?
Joined 31 Oct 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:08
False, it's not true.

Interview with Jim Merrick today:
" ***n00b weblink removed*** />
No games until 2006. And now you're news about the universal release is false too, cause Jim Merrick talks about a delay between Europe and America. So don't expect the Revolution in juni, 'cause the universal news was false too.
Joined 2 Jul 2004
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 21:20
Kidfried wrote:
False, it's not true.

Interview with Jim Merrick today:

No games until 2006. And now you're news about the universal release is false too, cause Jim Merrick talks about a delay between Europe and America. So don't expect the Revolution in juni, 'cause the universal news was false too.

Zeo, per chance? Hmmm, well, for starters it would help if you quoted a source which actually backed up your claim of disproval. With regard to the Revolution launch, Iwata has already stated that they intend to make as near simultaneous a worldwide release as possible. Jim Merrick is only the Marketing Director of Europe, not the company President of the main Japanese company, so his line about the Revolution being launched worldwide "in a maximum term of 14 weeks" does not disprove anything. He doesn't say it will be 14 weeks between launches, just that that is the maximum timeframe. Now, if you were aware of certain things called "Quarters", businesses work on plans that fit into these quarters of the year; they have to announce their business plans for each quarter and predict what their income will be. Now guess what 14 weeks just happens to be? Oh, that's right, it's a business quarter, so Jim Merrick is simply stating that the Nintendo launch will fall wholly within one of them, barring problems.

As to the "no games being shown until 2006", he does say that, but it's still possible he's not privy to the plans of exactly what is going to happen at a developer conference. It's also possible that what Miyamoto might demonstrate is not a finished game, he could simply be intending to show some work-in-progress that demonstrates the control methods being developed for future games, especially Mario. Oh, don't forget that Spong did actually state that this is a rumour, at present.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 22:05
Someone is afraid if Nintendo would make a new Mario that would completly be built around the controller...newsflash...Nintendo has always done that, but the other way around too (make a controller around a game).

Its always a very symbiotic relation. Super Mario 64 would not have worked with the N64 controller and vice versa. So yes Nintendo will build its next Mario around the new controller, they have been doing that for bloody 20 years.

Irrational fear can make people say the most irrational things...
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Mon, 31 Oct 2005 22:41
i dont think that guy is ze(r)o.he is registered over a year unless zeo built a time machine(or had a different user name from different IP) its some other guy.i want the revo asap.smash bros revo will probaly b more of a priority than mario.
Zeo2 [banned]
Joined 1 Nov 2005
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 05:13
Wow, how sad. Someone trying to prove a story wrong is automatically Zeo (or Zero ROFL seriously, you're too witty for me).

And no, I wouldn't try and call Spong out for lying. They did the right thing and said it was nothing more than a rumor. Saying it was fact would be bad reporting, but they didn't.

On that note, a lot of people seem to be taking that new interview as real, so I'm more likely to believe that no Revolution games will be shown this year, although I'd love to be proved wrong.
Joined 24 May 2004
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 06:49
Yet another in a long line of spong bs. Where is my Palm software for DS? Sorry but according to NOE preseident no Rev software in 2K5.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 09:05
Read, fools;

"Of course, this is to be treated strictly as an unconfirmed rumour"

It's a rumour, and a clearly stated rumour. And what is the response;

"SPOnG lies!"

What the fsck is up with you people? We're reporting current gossip as as just that.

Joined 2 Jul 2004
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 13:17
majin dboy wrote:
i dont think that guy is ze(r)o.he is registered over a year unless zeo built a time machine(or had a different user name from different IP) its some other guy.

Eh? Kidfried registered yesterday, not a year ago!

acidviper wrote:
Yet another in a long line of spong bs. Where is my Palm software for DS? Sorry but according to NOE preseident no Rev software in 2K5.

That was NoE's Director for Marketing, not the President. Not sure if NoE even has a President, actually, I think that post is purely held by Iwata as head of the parent company.
Joined 31 Oct 2005
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 18:49
YenRug wrote:

Zeo, per chance? Hmmm, well, for starters it would help if you quoted a source which actually backed up your claim of disproval. With regard to the Revolution launch, Iwata has already stated that they intend to make as near simultaneous a worldwide release as possible. Jim Merrick is only the Marketing Director of Europe

I know the interview with Jim Merrick is being held. The whole Iwata-thing is only a rumour.
I trust a Marketing Director more than a rumour, what would you?

It's a rumour, and a clearly stated rumour. And what is the response;

"SPOnG lies!"

I never said Spong lies, only that the rumour is false. You posted it was a rumour, I tried to prove it's being wrong.
I rather do not hope, than have a false hope.
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