Dragon Age Origins: Child Killing, Same Sex Kissing, Breasts

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Topic started: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 01:48
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Mon, 9 Nov 2009 01:48
Sounds fun to me! I'm going to have to play this while I worship the devil!
Mon, 9 Nov 2009 09:17
Shame...I lost a lot of respect for this game. I was initially impressed, but as more was revealed, it became....meh.....
Mon, 9 Nov 2009 21:04
It's an adult oriented game - hence the whole "The Dark Fantasy Epic" on the back of the box, the 18+ rating here in the UK. It made me laugh when the God Squad slated Mass Effect because you almost got to see some blue alien ass...

I don't see what the big deal is to be honest. There are worse games around for gore, sexual content and immoral actions. For me it makes a change to see games that aren't afraid to get gritty and realistic. The whole "whizz bang magic poof and everything is ok again" thing gets thin after playing virtually EVERY RPG.
Mon, 9 Nov 2009 21:06
It's a wierd one for me - I want to say excited but I also want to say bored. I work in Gamestation and while I'm at home and watching trailers etc i think it looks awesome and look forward to playing it (despite knowing it's not going to be the best game i've ever played as that's not what i expect it will be). But when i'm at work and i practically have to clean the jizz off the shelves when all the fanboys see the game on the back shelves ready for launch i actually quite hate the game, especially as it seems half the country phoned up today to ask the same god damned questions about it.
Mon, 9 Nov 2009 21:07
Ok that's wierd. why did my comment on the MW2 poll appear here???
Dissapointed Fan
Sat, 14 Nov 2009 06:29
I was eager for this game, but the fact that there is that much sex in it is just kind of disgusting! I mean, come on, its still a video game! Which makes me wonder, what need did Bioware feel that they absolutely must put something as vulgar as a brothel in a video game??
Sun, 15 Nov 2009 08:46
Its supposed to be what living in a medievil world full of magic would be like. Its not going to be bunnys running around in the streets wearing chastity belts.
Looking Glass
Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:43
Well I see this and think, the Gaming industry has grown about as popular (if not more so) than Hollywood and the Silver screen in the last decade. People are buying the new and upcoming hits by the handful, and at 60+ dollars a game, you're looking at the Video Game industry becoming top dog in the entertainment business. So when we come down to the facts, why do people become disappointed or angry? They're now able to pull off more in new titles than ever before, this does not only mean better graphics, interactive game play, more interesting stories, and whole new worlds to explore. It means boundaries can be pushed, just like the movie industry. There was once a time when sex and violence were rare if not entirely unacceptable in films, and now you can find almost anything in a movie. Same sex love scenes, bare breasts, and bullet wounds that made your stomach twist were all in movies long before this. Why when a game comes out, it needs to justify these things. The ESRB is of course a good tool for gauging which age groups should be playing these games. However, when you have the ESRB saying, "It's alright to be able to shoot a thousand people to death, but if we see so much as a nipple, we're going to have problems." It makes it hard to take seriously. And makes for a sad reality that America is A-Okay with murder, but the natural skin of a human being is off limits.
Sun, 29 Nov 2009 23:16
Who the f**k cares? ITS A VIDEO GAME.
Fri, 11 Dec 2009 03:46
what is wrong with killing people by cutting throat,and stabbing them and some one please tell me what the hell is wrong with sex people do it in real life so why cant it be in a video game???
Fri, 11 Dec 2009 03:46
what is wrong with killing people by cutting throat,and stabbing them and some one please tell me what the hell is wrong with sex people do it in real life so why cant it be in a video game???
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 19:59
@Theone your an asshole...it's just a f**king game grow up...it's not worshiping the devil, bible thumper....
Wed, 30 Dec 2009 12:54
isnt the comments the esrb make a little homophobic as they seam to put up with straights couples kissing but not lesbians or gays seriously someone could get offended by that (i personally are not homophobic)
Sick Fuck
Wed, 20 Jan 2010 18:15
This game rocks, only sad thing is that the sex-scenes weren't better than the case..
Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:36
The whole scheme is more open-minded then those who were brought up to follow strict morality. It's something that, does not infact change a person.. but relieves the mind to know that such things exist. That humanity does not need to live in a sheltered world. That we can take it as we will, and remember that It's just a program. That we can turn it off if we dis-approve.
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