Oh Kojima, why have you done this fetishistic crap in what's should be a good game? Why does he feel the need to sell MGS to fan service wank otaku and as he says cosplayers? ( I don't buy the latter, when its really about the former.
A clash of cultures? Perhaps. Problem is that some in japan think everything about Japan is great when that's not the case. Sometimes they lack a 'this is wrong' filter, and thus keep pushing this kind of silly stuff that is not needed in the game. This is another sad day for the game industry, IMO. And sucks for anyone that has to cosplay as Quiet at TGS for the wankster horde. Japan has plenty of porn too, so what the hell, Konami?
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Oh Kojima, why have you done this fetishistic crap in what's should be a good game? Why does he feel the need to sell MGS to fan service wank otaku and as he says cosplayers? ( I don't buy the latter, when its really about the former.
A clash of cultures? Perhaps. Problem is that some in japan think everything about Japan is great when that's not the case. Sometimes they lack a 'this is wrong' filter, and thus keep pushing this kind of silly stuff that is not needed in the game. This is another sad day for the game industry, IMO. And sucks for anyone that has to cosplay as Quiet at TGS for the wankster horde. Japan has plenty of porn too, so what the hell, Konami?