I did piracy. My brother and I kept running into arcades in Blackpool and bumping those 10p fall over the edge machines with the pushing wedge-things. we needed to eat chips. chips = £1.50. Requirements: each arcade machine assaulted could generate 0 to 40p. we did not have to answer questions like that one on the tele. Calculate the average number of bumped machines needed to generate coinage for 1 bag of chips. Show your working out. (Ans =7.5).
P.P.S watching something called Chaturbate; I sometimes do a bit of fishing. But there is just this mad shouty ugly woman jumping around in unmatching bra and panties talking in american. I have one and a half cans of special brew. I am listening to a sad old worn-out man on local radio lamenting that Leeds now play Yeovil. And lose. He is aged 34 years.
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